Monday, 1 February 2010

White Rabbit, White Rabbit, White Rabbit...

...And it's February, already! So, a quick review of projects in progress and in the pipeline...

Milkhare production gets underway this month, with recces of several locations in Kent planned over the forthcoming weeks. I've dug deep into the Internet and unearthed some wonderful resources for the derelict and decaying - but the location hunt is still on, as suitable locations rest on numerous factors, so the more the merrier at this stage. If you know of a derelict cottage (hut, shed, cabin) in the woods near you, please get in touch. I also aim to release some pre-production materials over the next few weeks: research notes, illustrations and character designs, in addition to photos from location recces, so watch this space for more MiLKy goodies.

Further, the Jugglez team are now busy promoting the new 2010 timetable, and I've been asked to produce some rotoscoped animated banners for the site. As part of our 'knowledge swap' initiative, I'll be delivering a 'how-to' session on rotoscoping on 13th February and will upload the tutorial notes to this blog for interested parties.

And that's all folks for this month!

Stay lucky...

White Rabbit Animation