Wow, It's nearly Christmas..! So a quick review of projects in production and in the pipeline...
The stop-motion studio is now 'all systems go.' (Cost of set-up = 'thousands'. Look on your husband's face when you tell him we will be transforming the master bedroom into an animation studio = 'priceless'). Next steps are blackout on the windows and also partitioning to create a separate area for production... After that, we're ready to roll!
The third White Rabbit promo 'Bunny Girl', planned for release this month has unfortunately run into some production problems. We were scheduled to re-shoot the live action sequences for rotoscoping, but my gorgeous model is unavailable due to personal issues, so we've put this on hold. In the interim, I think this might be an excellent opportunity to produce a stop-motion short for Crimble and to start getting to grips with the Canon EOS 450 - so watch this space...
MiLK HaRE pre-production is also in full swing. I think I've got the raw ideas nailed to start boarding, but my fascination with the juxtaposition of live-action with stop-motion is turning the 'non-trivial' into the 'epic'. I aim to present ideas by Christmas and hope that maybe someone out there on the Intrawebs might be able to assist with location ideas (or even better still production tips :D)
Anyway, here's wishing you a wonderful Christmas and an extra lucky month.
Speak to you in the New Year :)
White Rabbit Animation